Métis Logger,
British Columbia
1.0 Preamble
The British Columbia Métis Assembly of Natural Resources (BCMANR) should be, in principle, based on the success of the Métis people in the 1700–1800s. The “Buffalo Assembly” and the “Laws of the Prairies” were established by the “community” way of life. These communal commitments ensured the survival of the Métis people during tough times. The basic principles were; no “individual” way of thinking and “that strength was generated from the collective group”. These principles were the basis of the historic Métis culture; therefore the present day infrastructure and principles should honour the past.
In September of 2008, the Métis citizens of British Columbia ratified the MNBC Natural Resource Act. This Act was developed and implemented by Métis citizens to express their desire for sustainable use of our natural resources.
—From the British Columbia Métis Assembly of Natural Resources, Policies and Procedures, December 19, 2008.